A First Look at DataFlex 2017/19.0
googleoff: index Begin Cookie Consent plugin by Silktide - http://silktide.com/cookieconsent End Cookie Consent plugin googleon: indexWebinar: A First Look at DataFlex 2017/19.0 | Data Access Worldwide Bootstrap chrome theme color jQuery
Date: Thursday, September 15th, 2016 Language: English Time: 3:00 p.m. GMT Cost: Free
Presenters: John Tuohy, CTO, and Stephen W. Meeley, VP Development, Data Access Worldwide
googleoff: index Begin Cookie Consent plugin by Silktide - http://silktide.com/cookieconsent End Cookie Consent plugin googleon: indexWebinar: A First Look at DataFlex 2017/19.0 | Data Access Worldwide Bootstrap chrome theme color jQuery
This webinar will update you about a series of powerful work-in-progress product additions that will be delivered in DataFlex 2017/19.0:
Connectivity and SQL Specific Enhancement
Windows Application Enhancements
Web Framework Enhancements
WebApp Server Enhancements
Studio improvements, and more!